Last update: March 2025
I am usually online daily.
FYI, I will only trade with either my main account "darkslytherinqueen" or my side accounts "lightslytherinqueen"/"greyslytherinqueen".
*Numbers on items mean the quantity I have.
*If it says my inbox is full, please send me a "Foal in Box" and I'll clear it out.
- Jhudoras Fashion Line Mystery Capsule!
Status of Gift Boxes: a lot
GBCs: a few
BF GBCs: a few
Archive Cookies: a few
Faerie Quest Cookies: some
Upcycle Cookies: 0
Dyeworks Potions: 0
Autumn Adventures Retired Mystery Capsule: a few left
Beaming Baby Retired Mystery Capsule: one left
Shenanigifts Retired Mystery Capsule 2023: one left
I will only trade these for my Very High Priority Wishlist and maybe some of my High Priority Wishes but even then, I might refuse a fair offer for these ones.
items marked (quantity#)777 are on my side account lightslytherinqueen
These are either high value items or it's just that I personally value them a lot.
Mostly for my High Priority wishes but might be tempted by another offer, you never know ;)
items marked (quantity#)888 are on my side account greyslytherinqueen
Items I wish to trade for something I'm looking for. Maybe I could accept GBCs, Archive cookies or Mystery Capsules for some of them.
items marked (quantity#)888 are on my side account greyslytherinqueen
NC items to trade for wishes, GBCs, Archive cookies or Mystery Capsules.
NC items to trade for wishes, GBCs, Upcycle Cookies or Archive Cookies.
*Items are on one of my side accounts: lightslytherinqueen; greyslytherinqueen; or darkerslytherinqueen.
2:1 * Dye Potion // 3:1 * Baby or BDay Cap / GBC / Upcycle Cookie // 4:1 * BF GBC / Archive Cookie
2:1 * Dye Potion // 3:1 * Baby or BDay Cap / GBC / Upcycle Cookie // 4:1 * BF GBC / Archive Cookie
*Items are on one of my side accounts: lightslytherinqueen; greyslytherinqueen; or darkerslytherinqueen.
Could be willing to trade my VHTPW items for one of these.
Could be willing to trade my Highlights/HTPW and maybe, in some cases only, on VHTPW items for these.
This list is empty.NC items I am looking for - low priority
21 means I'm hoping for a 2:1 trade
Looking for a friend - very important!!
Items of either high or low priority for a customization I want to do.