vesuvius_410's items

Neomail vesuvius_410 vesuvius_410's lookup

Items vesuvius_410 owns

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0. Please Note!

Neomail is open, so feel free to mail me if you'd like to trade. I try my best to respond within a day. I can accept GBCs for most items on this list, although I prefer to trade my higher value items (1-3 caps) for 1:1 trades. You can make an offer, but I may turn it down.

All numbers below indicate quantity.

This list is empty.

1. 2:1 Sale

Everything here is UFT 2:1 GBC or 1:1 FQC/dye pot.

This list is empty.

Items vesuvius_410 wants

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1. Priority

These are items I need for a custom I'm currently working on. I can usually offer GBC (and occasionally custom) for these items. I also have some hidden items that I can offer for these wishes, so let me know what you're seeking.
Note: I currently have BF GBCs available to trade for most items on this list.

This list is empty.
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