cazzie's items

Neomail cazzie_cazzie cazzie_cazzie's lookup

Items cazzie owns

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0. Intro

Hello :)

Online daily so feel free to send me a neomail. Currently only seeking my High Priority wish list (offering everything for these) but also accepting regular / deluxe styling supplies.

bf gbcs: currently available for high priority wishes and when I have a board

spare tokens, faerie usul, darigan usul, grey Aisha

Last updated Nov 2024.

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00. HTPW - for HTF / priority wishes

Not all high value, but will prefer to trade these towards my priority & HTF wishes marked "99"

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000. Highlights

Some new / more popular items. Will trade for wishes, custom + bf gbcs as fillers

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1. Special Sale - Discounts for custom

Will discount from ~Owls, most of these I already have duplicates (thanks to opening a lot of caps!) so will be happy to go lower, just ask.

Seeking Upcycle cookies / mall buyables / bf gbcs

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Regular uft

Will accept custom, any gbcs, wishes

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Sale. 1:1 dyepot or fqc / 3:1 bf gbc

1:1 dyepot/fqc/small custom
3:1 bf gbc

I upcycle so there are no buyables here!

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Items cazzie wants

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0. Custom I’m interested in

I’m also after a couple of Styling Studio Supplies (600NC) - will be willing to trade some items from both HPTW & Highlights list for these

Also accepting Upcycle cookies and dyepots & pre-trades for upcoming dyeworks items listed below

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0. Tokens I want


I can offer: Grey Aisha, Darigan Usul, Faerie Ixi,Usukigirl Usul, Jelly Kacheek,Spooky Halloween Usul/Celebratory Aisha(I value at 9) DSSS, bf gbcs, trade list

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1. High Priority

Actively seeking all of these! Offering all of tradelist, including htpw, bf gbcs + (deluxe) styling studio supplies

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