drygani's items

Neomail drygani drygani's lookup

Items drygani owns

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1) Highlights

Number = My Value
23 = 2-3
67 = 6-7
8 = 8
No Number = Owls Value or Unknown

Non-wearable UFT for Priority WL / Secondary WL
Bejeweled Negg Mystery Capsule (7-8)
Candy Nest and Neggs (5-6)
Easter Negg Creme Puff (5-6)
Weewoo Sugar Negg (5-6)

This list is empty.

2) Main TL - 2:1 BFGBC

Number = Quantity
Values based on Owls.

Accepting BF/GBCs for this list!
Please read the options below.

1:1 - GBC
1:1 - Training Cookie
2:1 - BFGBC

This list is empty.

4) SSS

Number = Amount of SSS I'm seeking

SSS breakdown:
1 SSS is 600 NC
5 SSS bundle (6 SSS) is 3000 NC = 500 NC / SSS
10 SSS bundle (13 SSS) is 6000 NC = 461 NC / SSS

If you want to get your SSS cheaper, it's worth buying the bundle.
I calculated with 3 (as SSS value) so if you want to know the value of the item: 3 * number.

I will accept my Primary WL too instead of SSS.

This list is empty.

Items drygani wants

show hide

1) Primary

Nostalgic Halloween Techo

Offering Highlights, Main TL, D/SSS, GBCs, RR and Normal Caps for this list.

This list is empty.

2) Secondary

Number = The value I'm offering

Offering Highlights, Main TL, D/SSS, GBCs, RR and Normal Caps for this list.

Looking for these, lower priority than primary WL.
Values were set based on Owls and DTI ratios. If you see a value that is lower than Owls, it means the DTI ratio is not justifying the Owls value.

Your values are just as valid as mine, please take no offense.

This list is empty.