awenkhari's items

Neomail awenkhari awenkhari's lookup

Items awenkhari owns

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0. Welcome & Information

Hello, and thank you for checking out my trading list! I'm still pretty new to NC trading, but I've definitely found a new passion (addiction?). Please feel free to reach out to me via Neomail if you'd like to trade. I'll consider all offers - but I am pretty picky!

Items with a quantity of 777 are (V)HTPW.
All other item quantities are actual quantities.

Trading Categories:
1a. Dyeworks
1b. Premium Collectibles
2a. Baby (includes Dyeworks)
2b. Maraquan & Mutant (includes Dyeworks)
3a. Hats & Wigs
3b. Clothing
3c. Accessories & Trinkets
3d. Contacts (includes Dyeworks)
3e. Makeup, Markings, & Paint (includes Dyeworks)
3f. Be-Gone!
4a. Backgrounds & Background Items
4b. Foregrounds, Frames, & Garlands
4c. Filters

Wishlist Categories:
0. N E E D
1. High Priority Wishes
2. Medium/Low Priority Wishes
3. NP Wishes

~~~ Items in this list are for aesthetics only. ~~~

This list is empty.

3f. Be-Gone!

This list is empty.

4c. Filters

Items awenkhari wants

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0. N E E D

This list is empty.