sailorkkrypton's items

Neomail sailorkkrypton sailorkkrypton's lookup

Items sailorkkrypton owns

show hide

- hi

non wearables i have:

nostalgic token: faerie techo

archive cookies: 1

gbcs: yes

custom: x

last update: 12 dec 24

This list is empty.

1.5. new dyes

This list is empty.

2. highlights

4. regular

numbers for my reference

This list is empty.

5. 2:1 / 3:1

2:1 GBC

3:1 BF GBC

This list is empty.

Items sailorkkrypton wants

show hide

- priorities

need them to finish a permie!

can offer tradelist, gbcs and custom!

This list is empty.


can offer tradelist, bfgbcs, gbcs, custom and my soul

top wishes

need them to finish some permies

This list is empty.


to help me fill my dreamlist needs

can offer tradelist, gbcs and custom!

This list is empty.

for another friend

NON-WEARABLES: Mystery Capsule of Evil if you have some of these items uft please let me know!

numbers for my reference

This list is empty.

low priority

will use them eventually. feel free to offer (:

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