I'm a very casual trader slowly working on building up my closet. I don't buy a lot of NC, so I apologize in advance if I opt to hold onto some items to trade towards wishes instead of GBCs.
Thank you for looking!
Main acct: romeinruins
Please do not mail me on my side (parkerluck).
This list is empty.Nicer stuff, dw, etc. Pickier with some than others, apologies if I turn down a fair trade.
Since I don't purchase a lot of nc, I prefer to trade for items over caps etc. but please don't be afraid to offer! My tl is fairly small, so I am usually happy to offer custom as filler towards my priority wishes.
Items for customs that I already have planned/am working on.
Not desperately seeking, but do have plans for!
May also be looking for FQ cookies, styling supplies, or caps depending on what's in the mall.
Stuff I like but might not be my main focus at the moment. Apologies if I turn down offers of these!
Just things I think are neat and might want to pick up at some point. Some of this might be for seasonal customs.
High value stuff I love that will probably always be out of reach~