kazeriuwu's items

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Items kazeriuwu owns

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0. Intro

I go by /~Owls values, but generally prefer doing item-for-item trades (especially for higher-value items), but if there's something I really want, I may offer GBCs/custom :)

I also have sale sections for GBCs at the very end of this list, meaning some items are 2 items = 1 GBC/4 items = 1 GBC (or item equivalent), as well as a FREE section (no limit per person, except if I don't have enough gift boxes).

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0. Trade Pending

This list is empty.

00. Non-Wearables UFT

BF GBCs x5

Styling Studio Supplies x2

Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie x5

This list is empty.

Items kazeriuwu wants

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