Sinsi's items

Neomail lai_sinsi lai_sinsi's lookup

Items Sinsi owns

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A. Trading Info

Last updated: March 2025.

I'm online every day.
I try to reply within 24 hrs and I never ghost offers.
Feel free to neomail me if you want to trade ^^

If you're new to NC trading, be sure to check out Stylisher's Neocash Guide!

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C. Regular UFT

I might accept GBC, dyepots, current caps/grams/tickets in the mall etc.
It depends on what's currently in the mall/dyeworks and if I like it.
Feel free to ask! ^^

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C. Sales 2:1 (4:1 for BF GBC)

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Items Sinsi wants

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A. Wishlist

Due to the way TNT treats their userbase, I'm refraining from buying any more NC.
Because of this, I'm no longer making new customisations, and the items here are my only current wishes.
I might still be up for trading my stuff for GBCs, styling studio supplies, dyepots, etc., so feel free to reach out regardless ^^

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