sabri_gb35's items

Neomail sabri_gb35 sabri_gb35's lookup

Items sabri_gb35 owns

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1) Hello!! about me

Hi! I'm Brina!

I will ONLY nm you from my main account (linked here)
I usually go online every day, my timezone is NST +9 hours so please bare with me for that one

I do have a hidden closet, but it's hidden for a reason, I'm pretty attached to those items lol. That said, if you have any of my "want" WL items, feel free to nm me your WL to see if we can work something out! ^^

Wonderclaw 1 pack
Nostalgic Robot Cybunny

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2) Highlights/Things I like a lot

I am a little attached to these, doesn't mean I won't trade them though!

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3) UFT normal

Very little attachment to these items

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Items sabri_gb35 wants

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For customs I actually have planned

Always seeking GBC and dyepots (specially dyepots, even for highlights, although it may be box heavy if its a high valued item)

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Current dyeworks wants

Seeking some of the active seasonal dyeworks AND the original items too!!

I have dyepots for trade 1:1 for each item as well as TL

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(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.