sumhaize's items

Neomail sumhaize sumhaize's lookup

Items sumhaize owns

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..( *w*)..

Any numbers you see reflect the last time I checked the values on said item or just something for my reference only. Mostly just pay no attention to them if they have incorrect values because I always check before a trade. ^^

side box count: summerhaize: 0 / sumhaize3: 0 / kitsunaagi: 2 / SirInspiron(partner's acc): 3

thanks for looking!
UPDATED: 11/2/23

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1) Clothing

say goodbye to being nekkid

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5) Backgrounds, Foregrounds, Trinkets

Stuff for your Back or your Fore (and now for your Trink)

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55) plushies

if you're not real, then how come I feel this way? little babies!

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6) 2:1 & 3:1 Sale

The graveyard of shame
2:1 GBC/Upcycle/Archive
1:1 dyepot
only available 2:1/3:1 if I have the boxes to do so,
when that is the case, I can only offer 1:1 on these!

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my precious....

very unlikely to trade these away. They're either in use, I use them often, or I just love them too much.

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Items sumhaize wants

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a) Medium Priority

these are items my pet's customs can live without, or items I would likely swap out with certain parts of my pets customs for holidays/seasons/etc for funsies

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zz. Friend Wishes! ^o^

for the friendos!

NM if you have these available so I can share with the group or work out a trade!

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