so_called_chaos's items

Neomail aodthyn aodthyn's lookup

Items so_called_chaos owns

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00. highlights

Numbers indicate personal value if different from /~Owls, with 0 as a separator (e.g. 305 = 3-5). 55 = pending trade/offered over NM.

This list is empty.

01. tradelist

Numbers indicate personal value if different from /~Owls, with 0 as a separator (e.g. 305 = 3-5).

This list is empty.

02. take it away! (2:1)

Probably only accepting GBCs for these items but if you have a Faerie Quest cookie, dyepot, or small wish, feel free to try me! Depends on how many boxes I've got at the moment.

This list is empty.

03. no seriously take it away (buyable junk & etc)

Open to offers on these.

This list is empty.

04. love is undead items

5:1 dyepot/FQC/GBC/cap or cookie of any kind or small wish.

This list is empty.

Items so_called_chaos wants

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