646_namb's items

Neomail bman_646 bman_646's lookup

Items 646_namb owns

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Capsule Collection

Currently I have:

no caps laying around

Custom: None :(

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This list includes newer items, items I think are cool, and some higher value things!

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Items here are on hold, as they will be traded, unless the trade falls through.

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Just One GBC

That means I value these items at ~200NC. I will also take things like RR Caps, FQCs, Dye Potions!

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Loic's Studio

Past and present dyeworks items that are up for trade!

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Items 646_namb wants

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Buyable Wishes

These items are currently in the mall and I would love them!

This list is empty.

Dreams and Wishes

A bunch of items I need to complete customs I am currently working on!

This list is empty.

NP items

This list is empty.