lauramfan's items

Neomail lauramfan lauramfan's lookup

Items lauramfan owns

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0. Hello :D

Hi, I'm Lau! Welcome to my NC TL/WL :]

I'll start by saying that I'll do my best to reply to you as soon as possible, but RL sometimes does not allow me to come here more often, so I'm sorry in advance about some of my possible delayed replies!

About my items, I'm not picky with anyone listed here. They're definitely all UFT.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day! <3

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1. UFT

Numbers indicate quantity.

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Items lauramfan wants

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1. Actively Seeking

These items are my top priority right now.

Items marked 99 are the highest priority.

Items marked 22 are on a pending trade.

I'm also always looking for cakes that increase BD stats, such as:
7th Birthday Cake Slice #1
7th Birthday Cake Slice #2
7th Birthday Cake Slice #3
8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake
8th Birthday Sparkler Cupcake
8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake
If you have any of them UFT, please let me know your wishes ^-^

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2. Casually Seeking

No real urgency for the ones listed here. Super sorry if I decline perfectly fair offers.

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3. Gallery Wishlist

All of them are for my gallery, "Lau's Dental Office".

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