Nothing is HTPW, if you can see it, I want to trade it (fairly, of course).
I am interested in BFGBCs, regular GBCs, SSSs, and DSSSs (and occasionally custom). However, I prefer to trade items that are worth 4 caps and higher for other items (or SSS/DSSS).
Neomail me at marine_tiger ! I'm on daily, if I don't respond within 24 hours, please try again. The spaghetti code might have eaten it.
(also on the r/Neopets discord as morbidseagull. faster response!)
I also have 5x Magical Valentine Sweetheart Gram, no eyes. Also 2x Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram, both have backgrounds.
If you are a cap collector, I have a small amount of random caps that have been traded to me that I don't want. Here's the JN link for that!
Also have nostalgic tokens up for trade, if anyone is interested in them!
Nostalgic Maraquan Ixi Nostalgic Tyrannian Uni
I opened new caps, and these are my spare items. Would love to trade for the ones I'm missing (or anything else I'm after)!
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer!
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please feel free to offer! I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
None of these are HTPW, please offer away.
I use Owls to price, but usually aim for the lower end of pricing.
I don't have and will probably never have baby, maraquan, or mutant pets. These are easy to part with, please take them from me!!
Please, take these away from me, I'm willing to make deals! Will also accept dyeworks potions or fortune cookies for this list.
(4 items for BFGBCs!!)
Neomail me at marine_tiger !
(also on discord as morbidseagull. faster response!)
I have a mighty need. I have a hidden tradelist for these items, please give me your wishlist if you have these items, I'll see what I can do!!
Also interested in SSSs and DSSSs.
I want these enough to trade for them, just not quite as much as high priority.
Also interested in SSS/DSSS and the following Nostalgic Tokens!
Adoring Valentine Kougra