Currently seeking wishes, BF/GBC, and Deluxe Training/Upcycle/Archive Cookies!
Open to browsing TL's if I've got something you need but you don't have any of my wishes!
*Anything marked 99 is HTPW and will most likely only trade for/towards Priority/Dream wishes. All other numbers will be quantity.
**No custom available at this time.
Please feel free to Neomail anytime if you'd like to work out a trade, I'm online multiple times a day usually c:
Online between 5am-10pm NST most days.
Let me know if you need any of these PB clothes for your naked pets!
Items I'm actively seeking for customs I want to finish~
Casually seeking these items for customs ideas~
Am I right? lol
Some HTF/Higher Cap Value items I would really like to have someday to finish off dream customs~
*NOT ACTIVELY SEEKING ATM, unless you're offering a huge deal or want a bunch of my wearables then... o.o maybe?
This list is empty.Just a reminder to purchase list~
*For the really expensive items in this list I have PB's, MP's and other misc. items in my gallery I'd be willing to part with. Please let me know if you have them for sale and are willing to work out a deal!