jessie57033's items

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Items jessie57033 owns

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* Introduction *

Hiya!!! New-ish to NC trading and still slightly rubbish with the abbreviations so bear with me :') Please nm me if there's anything on my list you fancy, even if you don't have any items from my wishes. Feel free offer/negotiate, please send your DTI page! I'm friendly! :)

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1. UFT NC: Backgrounds

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10. UFT NC: Contacts, Expressions & Markings/Makeup

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2. UFT NC: Filters & Effects

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3. UFT NC: Garlands & Frames

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4. UFT NC: Foregrounds, FG Items, BG Items

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5. UFT NC: Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Accessories

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8. UFT NC: Accessories, Handheld Items, Wands & Jewellery

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Items jessie57033 wants

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2. General Wishlist

Non-priority items I'd be interested in trading for :)

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