aparis22's items

Neomail aparis22 aparis22's lookup

Items aparis22 owns

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Hi there. Thank you for browsing my trade/wish list. If I have something you are after, don’t be afraid to neomail me. I will always respond and try to be as friendly and considerate as possible. I am always willing to work something out if I can. Thank you for stopping by ^_^

March 2025 note- I am doing a massive overhaul on my tradelist. I am tired of things sitting so I’ve moved almost everything to my 2:1 / 4:1 sale. My goal is to reorganize my categories and get rid of everything that’s not moving so I have a much more exciting list with new things. Please help me get rid of this stuff! :)

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5. Foregrounds, Filters, Garlands

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7. Discount Bin

These items have been sitting and I just want them gone. I will get rid of them for much cheaper than what they go for. Just offer, I’m almost positive we can work something out. ^_^

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8. Sale - 2:1 GBC and 4:1 BFGBCs

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9. Pending

Items being saved for someone. For my own reference. :)

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Items aparis22 wants

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