pajulammas's items

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Items pajulammas owns

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2. UFT

I'm pretty generous with these, most of these are items I have no use for, so I'd be happy to part with them ^^

I'm willing to look through trade lists even if you don't have the exact items I'm seeking! I might accept customs, I'm usually interested in Mystery Capsules. My WL items do take priority, however.

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Items pajulammas wants

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2. Medium priority

Seeking these items! :] These aren't super high priorities, but they're still items I'm very much interested in.

I'm willing to look through trade lists even if you don't have any of these items, but these do take priority.

I don't want to do customs for these. So please don't ask for dyepots, GBCs, DSSS/SSS etc. I will inform on my TLs if I have extra ones up for trade. I'm not super picky with my TL items (apart from the HTPW ones) so don't be afraid to ask for them! ^^

Also interested in the Prehistoric Tyrannian Lutari token!

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3. Low priority

Items that I have no specific plans for, or items that I'm kind of interested in, but I'm not super actively seeking. I might decline some offers, but feel free to still try! I'm more likely to say yes to top and medium priorities though.

I don't want to do customs for these. So please don't ask for dyepots, GBCs, DSSS/SSS etc. I will inform on my TLs if I have extra ones up for trade. I'm not super picky with my TL items (apart from the HTPW ones) so don't be afraid to ask for them! ^^

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