nosbacos's items

Neomail nosbacos nosbacos's lookup

Items nosbacos owns

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Mostly items that I find pretty and will probably use in the future or items my pet has worn before. Probably wouldn't trade them, but if you're really desperate, you can try sending a neomail.

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Give Away

I have more than 1 of these, and I got these from other very kind players, so I am passing it on! (:

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Maybe willing to part

I either only have 1 of these or will after trading my extra but I don't see myself wearing it anytime in the near future, so I am still open to trades, mostly with items in my want list.
Warning: There are some in this list that I might say no to even though it is a fair trade. Sorry!

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Mystery Capsules

List of Mystery Capsules owned & uft:
1. Horror Movie Marathon Retired Mystery Capsule x3
2. Yippee Kau Yay Birthday Mystery Capsule x7
3. Victorian Winter Ball Mystery Capsule x2
4. Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram x2
5. Expressions Mystery Capsule x13
6. Expressions II Mystery Capsule x13
7. Dark Grey Academia Mystery Capsule x11
8. Retired Patapult Mystery Capsule 2024 x13
9. 25th Brilliant Birthday Mystery Capsule x12
10. Closet Essentials Mystery Capsule x1
11. Expressions Mystery Capsule x11
12. Retired Contacts II Mystery Capsule 2024 x13

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Pending Trade

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Items UFT. I accept GBCs/customs/items in my wish list.

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Items nosbacos wants

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High Priority Wants

Items I want for a current/next look

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Lower Priority Wants/Optional

Items I like but are not a want for a current look

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