zirbe's items

Neomail manzirbe manzirbe's lookup

Items zirbe owns

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/!\ I'm currently on a hiatus, I still check my neomails times to times, but I'm sorry in advance if I don't answer you D: /!\

Currently accepting: :
-Upcycling Cookies
-NC Mall customs
(except for some HTP items)

I'm currently NOT looking for GBCs / BFGBCs


Non wearable available for trade here
GBCs available here

I can also offer GBCs / BFGBCs / DyePot and sometimes Customs from the Mall (feel free to ask me)


My UFT Nostalgic Tokens here

My LF Nostalgic Tokens here

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UFT - DyeWork Misc

This list is empty.

UFT - Other & Misc

This list is empty.

Items zirbe wants

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Space - +Priority Wishlist

w. Misc

This list is empty.

w. Things Maybe

This list is empty.