Items that I would prefer to trade for like items (i.e., dyeworks). However, still open to all offers.
Extras and other sundry items I’m willing to part with. These are on my main account.
Open to all offers!
Willing to part with these, but they are located on side accounts which may or may not have giftboxes.
Open to all offers!
- side acct C (11) = 0 GBC
- side acct G (22) = 6 GBC
- side acct K (33) = 6 GBC
- side acct S (44) = 0 GBC
on my main account (has GBs):
- 1 SSS
- 3 DSSS
- Faerie Blumaroo token
- Robot Draik token
- 1 DW potion
- 4 Sweet Dreams & Nightmares Mutant Mystery Capsules
- 4 Retired Tired Mutant Mystery Capsules
- 1 Faerie Frenemies Gift Box Mystery Capsule
on side accounts (may not have GBs):
- Grey Uni token
- 1 DSSS
- 1 Springtime Springabee Mystery Capsule
- 1 Night at the Fairgrounds Sweetheart Gram
- 1 Bittersweet Chocolatier Sweetheart Gram
actively looking for these items for permies.
absolutely willing to trade for these items as they’re for permies, but not actively seeking these out (due to value or other reasons)