ranee_heart's items

Neomail ranee_heart ranee_heart's lookup

Items ranee_heart owns

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1. Welcome!

📅 Last Updated: March 2025
🕰 Status: NOT ACCEPTING TRADES Sorry, I don't have time to do casual trades :( Will return ASAP

Welcome to my DTI trade/wish lists!

📍 I am located in Canada and follow EST (+3 NST)

📍 I have all my closet items hidden so all items visible are UFT and I appreciate all offers

📍 I accept cold neomails and I support your attempts in finding your dream items

📍 ranee_heart is my only account and I will not be messaging you from other accounts, please be safe!

💌 Non wearable items UFT 💌
GBCs x 14
BF GBCs x 1
Dyeworks Hue Potions x 14
SSS x 0
DSSS x 4
Nostalgic Maraquan Cybunny Token

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2. Highlights (For Priority wishes)

These are higher valued/popular items that are generally for my priority wishes only! Any items that are even slightly HTPW for me are hidden in my closet list so these items are UFT. I prefer to trade high-valued items for other similar high-valued items rather than multiple small value items but try sending in your offer anyways :)

📍 Please send a NM to ranee_heart if interested

📍 I use ~Owls guide to determine values but for this section specially, I may follow the higher end of values

📍 I do not accept customs/GBCs for this section unless I ask directly in a NM/in a board - item trades only!

📍 99 = trade pending, all other values = quantity

This list is empty.

3. Regular/Retired UFT

📍 Please send a NM to ranee_heart if interested

📍 I use ~Owls guide to determine values

📍 I accept customs/GBCs for this section or item:item trades

📍 99 = trade pending, all other values = quantity

This list is empty.

5. UFT Sale/Buyables (2:1 GBC, 3:1 BFBGC, 1:1 FC/DW Pot)

📍 Please send a NM to ranee_heart if interested

📍 I use ~Owls guide to determine values

📍 This section is on sale 2:1 GBC, 4:1 BFGBC or 1:1 FC/DW Pot

📍 99 = trade pending, all other values = quantity

Esta lista está vazia.

Items ranee_heart wants

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1. Priority NC Wishlist

Actively seeking for customizations so please send your offers to ranee_heart!
99 = Trade Pending

Esta lista está vazia.

2. Non-Priority NC Wishlist

Some non priority items that I would eventually like to own but is not urgently needed for a customization right now. I probably don't have anything planned for these items but I'll trade (BF)GBCs/capsules if I have them or my TL items!

Esta lista está vazia.