rebekisses's items

Neomail rebekisses rebekisses's lookup

Items rebekisses owns

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>> Read me <<

I do have a hidden closet with the items I'm not willing to trade... ^^

I'm online daily, neomail me and I'll gladly answer you. Feel free to ping me on discord, I love to chat: @rtraldi

Also, I'm an indie dev currently working on my own game with a friend, go here to know more about our project and maybe support us if you like it ^^

And I write too, here is my children's book:

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Regular UFT

I value all of this 1-2 or less. Will trade 1:1 for other small wishes, upcycle cookies or gbcs and might do some 2:1 depending on the items, just ask. :)

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Everything here is always 1:1 dyepots/ faerie cookies, 2:1 gbc / other caps and 3:1 bfgbc.

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z. Pending deals...

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Items rebekisses wants

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1. Wishlist

Currently looking for ^^

I might be willing to trade custom/ styling supplies for my WL items.

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