I do have a hidden closet with the items I'm not willing to trade... ^^
I'm online daily, neomail me and I'll gladly answer you. Feel free to ping me on discord, I love to chat: @rtraldi
Also, I'm an indie dev currently working on my own game with a friend, go here to know more about our project and maybe support us if you like it ^^ patreon.com/dawnbeneath/about
And I write too, here is my children's book: bit.ly/MassapeStories
This list is empty.I'll probably make good discounts for the non pop ones :)
Stuff I like but might be willing to trade for wishes (all kinds of values here)... My non-tradable closet is hidden, but I might be pickier with these (especially with the ones marked 99) ^^
Take these, your mutants deserve them! 1:1 dyepots; 2:1/ upcycle cookie, gbcs, casual wishes; 3:1 bfgbcs :)
Take these cuties! 1:1 dyepots; 2:1/ upcycle cookie, gbcs, casual wishes; 3:1 bfgbcs :)
I value all of this 1-2 or less. Will trade 1:1 for other small wishes, upcycle cookies or gbcs and might do some 2:1 depending on the items, just ask. :)
Everything here is always 1:1 dyepots/ faerie cookies, 2:1 gbc / other caps and 3:1 bfgbc.
Always on sale. :)
Currently looking for ^^
I might be willing to trade custom/ styling supplies for my WL items.
I don't need them, but I like them :D
I'm not willing to value some of these on owls range. If there's a number you can take it as the max I'll go in that case, if there's no number I'll just follow owls.
These might work as good filler but zero priority
Higher values / HTF I like - not actively looking for :D