Powerwing's items

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Items Powerwing owns

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(UC Trade) Trade Me?

Just looking to trade these for items on my Wishlists, or even GBCs or BFGBCs for the cheaper ones. You know the drill. ;)

✿ I also have four (4) Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsules. ✿

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade) Ugh... Get Rid of Em...

These items are clogging up my inventory! I wish someone would just take them so I can breathe! 8(

~GBCs = 2:1 (3:1 for Buyables)
~BFGBCs = 4:1 (5:1 for Buyables)
~Dyepot, or LR Cookie = 1:1 (2:1 for Buyables)
~FQ Cookie = 1:1 solid
~Wishlist Item = Varies (most likely 2:1)

I'll even take certain Mystery Caps available in the NC Mall! Equal to a GBC = 2:1 (3:1 for Buyables)
Current buyable Mystery Caps I'm interested in: So Matcha Green Mystery Capsule, Palette-able Body Paint Mini Mystery Capsule

I value these less for what Owls' guide says, for the most part (I'm sure these are all worth 1 cap or less). If you're still unsure about an item's estimated value, feel free to discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade) VERY Expensith, Douglath!

For item(s) here, I'm only interested in trading for one or more items of equal cap amount from the following lists:

~ (UC Trade 2) Most Wanted for Pet Wear
~ (UC Trade 3) Expensive Wants for Pet Wear

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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Items Powerwing wants

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Does anyone out there have these items? They're so hard to get (at least for me). :(

I currently have one (1) GBC and one (1) BFGBC for trade.

I do not have NC for custom orders at this time.

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade 2) Most Wanted for Pet Wear

I want these items the most because they will be put on my current and upcoming Neopets. :)

I currently have one (1) GBC and one (1) BFGBC for trade.

I do not have NC for custom orders at this time.

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade 3) Expensive Wants for Pet Wear

I want these items for my current and upcoming Neopets to wear, but they're so expensive, I may be very hesitant to trade except for my more rare items. I probably won't be doing custom orders for these.

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade 4) Lesser Wanted Stuff, but still good

Items that I want, but they're medium to low priority. This is because they could be alternate outfits and accessories for my pets in case my primary picks are too hard to obtain. Some are also items that I may want for future pets, but I'm not 100% sure such pets will be created.

I currently have one (1) GBC and one (1) BFGBC for trade.

I do not have NC for custom orders at this time.

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade 5) Plushies, Petpets and Food for my Collection!

These items are medium to low priority. This is because they're all for collection. :) I probably will be more casual trading for these since my pets' outfits come first. However, I may accept these as fillers for bigger trades.

I'm also looking for NC food items that I can't add to DTI's list. They are: Candy Corn Smiley Snack, Devils Food Cake, Haunted Candy Floss, and Weewoo Sugar Negg.

I currently have one (1) GBC and one (1) BFGBC for trade.

I do not have NC for custom orders at this time.

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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(UC Trade 6) Spray Me For the Dooreet (Low Priority)

Sprays I might need in the future. Not sure yet. That's why they're low priority.

I go by Owls' value guide for the most part, but for any item that hasn't been updated by Owls in awhile, we can discuss via Neomail. ^_^

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