Held for others!
Trading for items on my Wishlists mostly. I may accept GBCs if the offer is good. Going by ~Owls value, the number above is what I value it at.
I value BFGBC at NC value, so they equate to 1 cap. You still get a big discount. GBCs are 200NC each normally. BFGBCs are 75NC each. A normally 600NC Item (3 OWLS), for instance, is now 225NC if you use BFGBCs. I value all GBCs equally.
Accepting GBC for these, but I also like Archive Cookies! Number is Quantity.
I value BFGBC at NC value, so they equate to 1 cap.
1 Capsule per item, I also like Archive Cookies! Number is Quantity.
I value BFGBC at NC value, so they equate to 1 cap.
Quantity Number is how many I have here.
GET YOUR DISCOUNT GOODIES! 2:1 on GBCs or Archive Cookies. 3:1 on BFGBCs.
Need these ASAP!!!
These I am actively seeking, but am not super desperate for.
Good filler for trades but not looking for immediately.