melting_chocolates's items

Neomail melting_chocolates melting_chocolates's lookup

Items melting_chocolates owns

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1. eagerly trading for w/l ^^

hi, a very humble t/l below. i mainly deal with tokens!

faerie: jetsam, ruki
ghost: kacheek, lupe

also uft -
d/sss, prismatic brushes
faerie: cybunny, hissi
darigan: kyrii, draik
grey: wocky, kougra and lutari
tyrannian: draik
snow: cybunny (x2), bruce
prismatics: cocoa & tinsel peophin, cocoa & tinsel zafara, tinsel elephante

for: token swaps mainly; can do bfgbc for prismatic's.

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88 - gifts from 8on8on, u r an angel. 99 - random gifts, thank you for your generousity!!

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Items melting_chocolates wants

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