I'm on daily several times a day at this time as I'm Actively Seeking so many items. Please send me a neomail to my main account listed here for any offers.
Willing to do multiple item trades if I have multiple items on my UFT lists you're looking for please list in your neomail which items for which items thanks!
I'm most interested in backgrounds but will trade for any wishes. ALL ITEMS UFT ARE UFT if you offer a wish I won't tell you no. There is no HTPW (Hard to part with lists if it's here I'll trade it)
Trades I'm offering have a 48 hr hold and appear in the Pending Trades section if there's no response or the trade is cancelled they will be sorted back into an UFT list so if there's something you want in pending list check back.
I believe in 1 for 1 on most items I don't prescribe to items having a higher or lower value than others. Any items I have more than multiple I value less simply because I have so many and are listed in the common UFT but I'm willing to hear any offers including 2 for 1s.
This list is empty.Make me an offer
1 for 1
Trading 1 for 1 Wish
Items waiting for neomail confirmation
Actively seeking
Actively Seeking
Wishes waiting for neomail confirmation
This list is empty.