mintbanshee's items

Neomail mintbanshee mintbanshee's lookup

Items mintbanshee owns

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Filters & Effects

Here are the filters & effects I have UFT

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Wings & Accessories

Items mintbanshee wants

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For A Guildmate

Items I'm trying to help a guildmate find :)

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For AilaSeren (my ruki)

The only item I couldn't get for her custom

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For Baby Kau

For my baby kau on my only kau pets side account.

Just looking for 1 of these.

I don't need both I just am happy with either one of these for it :)

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For Echoswa (my Eventide Cybunny)

My current priority ♡

These are the items I am looking for to finish my eventide cybunny's custom ♡

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For Erlinan

For my buzz

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For Future Korbat

Item needed for future mutant korbat

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For Grundo

For my toy grundo I'll be making soon

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Ooo Pretty!

Items I want just because they're pretty or cute lol! I'd likely make a pet or customize a pet specifically designed around one of these items ^-^

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Dress to Impress
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