Hello and welcome to my DTI trade lists :) Feel free to ask me about any trade even if values don't align, if you offer an item I happen to love I might accept it for something of "higher value" if it's an item I don't really use! I try to respond to every neomail I get, so if you don't get a response after a couple of days feel free to send a second neomail in case I missed the first one or it got lost etc <3
Non-wearables I'm trading: Shenanigifts Retired Mystery Capsule 2023, faerie quest fortune cookie
Non-wearables I'm looking for: Nostalgic Plushie Aisha token
Items I am not very emotionally attached to. Probably willing to trade some of these items for things that aren't on any of my wishlists if it's something I still generally like! :)
I also have these non-wearables: Shenanigifts Retired Mystery Capsule 2023, faerie quest fortune cookie
Items that I am more attached to/might have plans for/occasionally use. Less likely to trade for things on my low priority wishlist. Anything with amount set to 9 is hard to part with.
I'm aware they have pretty different owls but value is subjective and I like them for the same custom haha
This list is empty.Likely to be interested in trading for these :) Items with amounts set to more than one is to show rough priority. Higher numbers mean higher priority. Items without numbers are "regular medium priority". I hope that makes sense!
This list is for items that I think are nice and would be happy to have but I'm not as actively looking for them :) Less likely to trade these items for anything in my "harder to part with" lists
For convenience I have grouped items not wearable by "standard painted" pets here :) Higher numbers are higher priority!