vegeta's items

Neomail snowager snowager's lookup

Items vegeta owns

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★non-buyables uft★

+non-wearables UFT:
* Spring Gift Box Mystery Capsule
* Polka Dot Gift Box Mystery Capsule
* Pink Swirly Gift Box Mystery Capsule
* MME Retired Mystery Capsule 2024
* Love You Latte Valentine Goodie Bag
* 8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake (on side account)
* Icy Shenanigifts Invitation 1-Pack (on side account)


Feel free to neomail @ snowager! :)

666 = on side account
667 = on main + a side

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💫buyables uft (2:1 or 3:1)💫

Will trade any 2 for a GBC or 3 for a BFGC.

This list is empty.

Items vegeta wants

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🩷never going to happen but I can dream🩷