eggyeggerino's items

Neomail eggyeggerino eggyeggerino's lookup

Items eggyeggerino owns

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:-) hi!

Seeking: wishes, but open to offers
Offering: tradelist | BF/GBC/custom (for some items)

Always happy to browse your tradelist if you don't have my wishes, please neomail me if you'd like to trade!

I consider ~Owls, DTI ratios, and personal attachment for values, usually leaning towards the lower-mid figures.

Thanks for reading ^^


Numbers = quantity

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0. UFT Highlights

Items with higher personal and/or ~Owls value

Only seeking wishes for these

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1. UFT Regular

Seeking wishes, Retired Frozen Snowflake Winter caps, Winter Snowy Snowickle caps, archives cookies

This list is empty.

2:1 sale

2:1 archives cookie, small wishes
Some items might be 3:1, just ask!

This list is empty.

Items eggyeggerino wants

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00 — Wishes: Top Priority

Actively seeking, will prioritise these trades over others.

This list is empty.

001 — Wishes: Medium Priority (Baby)

Actively seeking.

This list is empty.