More expensive items I have. These things are reserved either for pricier customs (if I'm seeking them) or Wishlist items only. Not really interested in trading these for smaller wishes/GBCs/Small customs.
Slightly Higher valued items I hold no attachment to. Mostly looking for Studio Supplies or similar customs/valued wishes for these.
Cheap ~1 cap items I have slight attachment to so I'd prefer to trade for item wishes. You can still certainly offer me GBCs for these things though, depending on my mood I'd likely take them regardless lol.
Anything here can go for one GBC (BF or regular) each, small customs, or wishlist items.
Clothing items that go together. I'll trade you both pieces for a single GBC if you wait the sets.
This is the Junk List. Anything in here can go 2:1 for normal GBCs or 4:1 for Black Friday caps or 1:1 for Faerie Quest Cookies/Dyepots.
Things I want now, right now.
If you have these UFT, but don't see anything on my tradelist here please let me know what you're after. I have large hidden closet that I don't mind rummaging through for them.
I don't particularly need this stuff, but its cute and I keep clicking on it while trying to fix seasonal customs so I'll take it if you have it.
Esta lista está vacía.While they're still available, I wouldn't mind having a few more of these if you have them.
Things I think are cute, but don't have any plans for, oddities I traded away and wouldn't mind replacing, and whatever random things I see that strike my interest go here. None of these are items I'm worried about finding, but considering I don't have many actual wishes left anymore I'll try to keep something here.
Neopoint wearables I'm interested in. I may not have straight pure to give for these, but if you have them please let me know your asking price to see if we can work something out.
Esta lista está vacía.