teacupcup's items

Neomail teacupcup teacupcup's lookup

Items teacupcup owns

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∴ [A] harder to part with but i'm easily manipulated ∴

these are just items I own that I don't necessarily intend to trade, but would be willing to for the right offer. probs would have to be something from my wish lists, but again, i'm easily convinced........

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∴ [C] get this garbage out of my sight ∴

UFT (sale) i really don't like these things please take them away from me. i'd trade em for 1:1 GBC, 2:1 upcycle cookie or dye pot, 3:1 NC archives cookie. i'm really flexible though so just try me and i'll probably take whatever you offer

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Items teacupcup wants

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∴ things I sort of want/thinking about/saved for reference ∴

I sort of want these. A lot of these are just here to refer back to

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