hherte's items

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hhi, i'm hherte
i'm nice and not very serious about this - down for casual trades and my wishlists are not comprehensive. usually down for dyepots and fq/archive cookies, and i love the color green so if you have something you think i might find shiny and pretty it can't hurt to offer. i'm not really into wigs, though.
send nms of your interest to user hherte, and if my inbox is full for whatever reason, send me a piece of junk and i'll reach out lol

non-wearables on hand
-Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram
- Training Fortune Cookie
- NC Upcycle Fortune Cookie
- Rolling Clouds Magic Elixir

stuff I don't really want to keep, but please be respectful with offers. all numbers on this whole page indicate quantity.

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Items hherte wants

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