jessi_pies's items

Neomail jessi_pies jessi_pies's lookup

Items jessi_pies owns

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. Hi There, Friends ♥

I am pretty open to all ideas of trading,
but prefer item(s) for item(s) trading.
But if you have something on my wish lists, I currently have BFGBC, and I'm usually open to customs.
I typically go by owl values.

If I have something you like, but you don't have anything on my wish lists, please reach out.
I'd love to take a look at any of your UFT items.

👉clickable link to my wishlist

Item quantity # meaning:
99 = Currently offered for a trade and waiting to hear back.
Will be available if they don't reply in a week.
80 = Currently a buyable item.
All other numbers are the quantity I have.

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0.🎨 Tokens UFT

• Nostalgic Chocolate Kacheek

This list is empty.

3. 🎠 Foregrounds+ UFT

Foreground, garlands and background-type items that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training and faerie cookies,
dye pots, capsules, etc.

This list is empty.

4. 👒 Face+ pieces UFT

Wigs, hats, glasses, (all things that can be worn on your pet's face/head) that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training cookies,
dyepots, faerie quest cookies, capsules etc.

This list is empty.

5. 👚 Clothing+ UFT

Clothing-type items that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training cookies,
dyepots, faerie quest cookies, capsules etc.

This list is empty.

6. ⛅ Effects+ UFT

Effects and filter-type items that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training and faerie cookies,
dye pots, capsules, etc.

This list is empty.

8. 🧚‍♀️ Wings UFT

Wings that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training and faerie cookies,
dye pots, capsules, etc.

This list is empty.

9. 💍 Accessories UFT

Accessory-type items that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training and faerie cookies,
dye pots, capsules, etc.

This list is empty.

🍼 Baby UFT

Baby-type items that I am willing to trade.

I prefer to trade item(s) for item(s).
If you see something you like, send me a nm and share your UFT list. ^^

I am occasionally open to offers including training and faerie cookies,
dye pots, capsules, etc.

This list is empty.

Items jessi_pies wants

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1. 🌠 WL: Items I want for a current custom

These are items I want for my current customs.

Please take a look at my items UFT. Willing to do customs, cookies, gbc, dyepots etc.

👉link to my up for trade

This list is empty.

2. 😍 WL: Casually looking for

Aren't these items CUTE!

I don't really need these...but, I would like them in my collection.
If you have these and want to trade something, please let me know.

I would prefer to trade something from my UFT list for these wish list items.
I am also open to see something of a similar aesthetic.

👉link to my up for trade This list is empty.

🤔 Low Priority/Maybe?

Items I probably saw on someone else's lists and wanted to save.

Not necessarily something I'm looking for, but it caught my eye!
It wouldn't hurt to offer these, but I may pass.

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