gabberstagged's items

Neomail ccdowner ccdowner's lookup

Items gabberstagged owns

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** Disclaimer **

  • i am usually busy with work so it may take around a day to a few days to me to respond to trade requests! apologies if my responses aren't fast!

  • i use OWLS mainly for judging cap value!

  • for items that are low cap value, id love to have capsules for my gallery if you dont want to trade for an item! they can be found in the JN wishlist here if ur interested :)

This list is empty.

Backgrounds UFT

This list is empty.

Clothes UFT

This list is empty.

Foregrounds UFT

This list is empty.

Items gabberstagged wants

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Accessory Wishes

This list is empty.

Background Wishes

This list is empty.

Clothing Wishes

This list is empty.

Foreground Wishes

This list is empty.

Handheld Wishes

This list is empty.

Makeup Wishes

This list is empty.

Wig Wishes

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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