The good stuffs
Typically just 5+ based on owls values
Or just like, super cute.
Anything on this list is fair game
Anything here is 2:1 MC/GBCs or 3:1 BFGCs
This list is empty.Will do 2:1 mystery caps/upcycle cookies/GBCs or 3:1 BFGBCs
1 box
Bigsby Shadingtons Wonderclaw Widget 1-pack
Pikis Valentine Goodie Bag
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
1 box
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
1 box
Featured Game Ticket
Pikis Valentine Goodie Bag
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Must have
1111 are more casual/replacements
2222 means they are currently RRd