mila_ranaa's items

Neomail mila_ranaa mila_ranaa's lookup

Items mila_ranaa owns

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0. [ Updated 12/29/2024 ]

Highlights: Items I consider particularly nice from my lists! Not always just the high value ones. The quantity listed for these doesn't correspond to how many I have, just the account they're on. Check the account-specific lists for quantity.

VHTPW: I am actively using these items and very unlikely to trade. They're listed for my reference and because I don't mind offers, but that list isn't flagged for trade and if you offer please be prepared for a rejection.

2 for 1 GBC on almost all 1-2 OWLS items with high numbers of owned/low wants. Ask for confirmation!

DSSS/SSS and tokens may be available for trade too. Check my JN list for current numbers:

I typically cannot offer customs, and if I can offer GBCs, they will be listed on my JN list's non-wearables above.

This list is empty.

3. [ UFT - Main Account ]

Main Account: mila_ranaa

Boxes: 35

This list is empty.

4. [ UFT - Side 1 ]

Side Account: bear_irl

Boxes: 4

This list is empty.

Items mila_ranaa wants

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