jotty346's items

Neomail jotty346 jotty346's lookup

Items jotty346 owns

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1 - Read this first!!

26/04/22 - So sorry, but I'm not looking to do GBC sale trades unless I'm actively on a board! Feel free to mail about wearable wishlist items though.

Items marked 99 are not UFT for customs/GBCs unless stated. It does not mean these items are hard to part with, but currently there are some I'd rather save towards hard to find wishes

I'm not interested in looking through tradelists right now, I'm only interested in my wishlist.

I am NOT doing 4:1 for BF GBCs, my 2:1 are 2:1 regardless of what GBC is offered!!

Box counts
Main - 18
Side 1 - 10
Side 2 - 10
Side 3 - 20
Side 4 - 10

This list is empty.

Main - 1 GBC each

Everything here is UFT for 1 GBC each

This list is empty.

Main - 2:1 Sale

2:1 for GBCubes

This list is empty.

Side 1 - 2 GBCs each

Everything here is UFT for 2 GBCs each

This list is empty.

Side 1 - 2:1 Sale

2:1 for GBCs.

Flowery Valentine Goodie Bag
Money Tree Cupcake

This list is empty.

Side 1 - Regular UFT

Non wearables UFT:

This list is empty.

Side 2 - 2:1 Sale

2:1 for GBCs

This list is empty.

Side 2 - Regular UFT

Side 3 - 2 GBCs each

Everything here is UFT for 2 GBCs each

This list is empty.

Side 3 - 2:1 Sale

2:1 for GBCs

This list is empty.

Side 4 - 2 GBCs each

Everything here is UFT for 2 GBCs each

This list is empty.

Side 4 - 2:1 Sale

2:1 for GBCs

Non-wearables UFT:
Flowery Valentine Goodie Bag
Polar Trousers Goodie Bag

This list is empty.

Side 4 - Regular UFT

Non-wearables UFT:
Velveteen Valentine Sweetheart Gram

This list is empty.

Items jotty346 wants

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NC wishlist

Seeking the following non-wearables:
Upcycle Cookies
Faerie Quest Cookies


Please note: the wearable buyables on this list are more of a personal reminder to myself, so I will probably not be looking to trade for them unless they are about to retire.

This list is empty.

Sides Wishlist

Please ignore the quantities for this wishlist, they are there so I know where I want things sent.

1 = celestise
2 = harajukudream

This list is empty.