Asphydel's items

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Items Asphydel owns

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Extras for trade:
Darigan Yurble
Darigan Scorchio
Faerie Scorchio
Darigan Shoyru

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1. Expelliarmus! (4:1 GBC Sale!)

SALE! 4:1 regular GBCs
2:1 Dyepot, Lab Cookie, FQC or Upcycle!
Numbers = Quantity!

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2. Evanesco! (1 GBC)

SALE! 3:2 GBCs! Or 1 lab cookie! Numbers = Quantity!

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6. Unsorted

Various values, just haven't sorted yet. Feel free to offer! 77 means I might be keeping it, currently trying it in customs, but you may still offer!

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Items Asphydel wants

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