Updated: Mar 2025
These are a few closet items that are only uft towards dream/priority wishes (lists 1 and 2)
or if I offer something from this list specifically
Not seeking gbcs/caps/custom for anything in this section
77 - Will trade towards items marked 77 in my regular wishlist
Available Tokens:
Sponge Aisha
Some of my non-wearables
Sweetheart Smiley Snack & Valentines Goodie Box
Items from this list are on my side account.
A gbc -may- be needed to be sent in order to trade.
If the item is marked with a "10" it means that I have a box to send the item.
If there's no number then I'll need a gbc in order to send.
2/18/25 Needs updated - Some items may not be available
Items I'm trading 2:1 for gbcs
Otherwise trading at their normal value
21= Currently ONLY trading for it if it's in a 2:1 sale
77 - will trade items from priority tradelist that are also marked with a "77"