tangamandapiano's items

Neomail Tangamandapiano Tangamandapiano's lookup

Items tangamandapiano owns

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I'll accept GBCs on basically any item worth 1-2, but I prefer to trade anything worth more than that for wishes. I keep a big list of wishes for that purpose.

I own ONLY mutant pets (40 of them) and therefore most wearebles are worthless to me. I'm a hoarder, however, with a passion for Halloween/Spooky and Goth themed items and backgrounds.

I do not trade my backgrounds, my mutant wearables or anything that can be worn by mutant pets such as foregrounds, trinkets, etc.

I don't usually ignore neomails. Mail me again, sometimes it gets buried under my notifications.

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Those are UFT. Backgrounds (except for duplicates) and Mutant items are not UFT.

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Items tangamandapiano wants

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