tangamandapiano's items

Neomail Tangamandapiano Tangamandapiano's lookup

Items tangamandapiano owns

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I'll accept GBCs on basically any item worth 1-2, but I prefer to trade anything worth more than that for wishes. I keep a big list of wishes for that purpose. If you have items, I would prefer to trade for items than to trade for boxes.

I don't have a HTPW list. I mean, I do, but I don't show the items. Every item visible is tradable. Just ask.

I don't usually ignore neomails. Mail me again, sometimes it gets buried under my notifications.

Currently looking for SSS and DSSS, priced at 3 and 7 caps respectively.

This list is empty.

Potential Items

These items are in extra grams I have that I didn't open.

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

UFT Dupes

These are UFT because they are dupes.

This list is empty.

Items tangamandapiano wants

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Just give me this. Don't ask any questions.

[points a gun at you in a dark alley]

hand it over

This list is empty.