supersara247's items

Neomail supersara247 supersara247's lookup

Items supersara247 owns

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1 Cap Sale

I am online on the weekends mostly, feel free to message me if you're interested in trading. If there is a number next to an item it is the quantity.


04/05/2022: I receive a lot of neomails, if I have not gotten back to you within 24hrs please mail me again ^.^

I also have these non-wearable items available for trade-

Assorted Contacts Mystery Capsule #2 - 6-7
Gift Box Mystery Capsule Fortune Cookie ~13-15
Perfectly Pastel Mystery Capsule ~6-7
Spring Farmhouse Mystery Capsule ~3-4
TNT Mystery Capsule ~7
Usukicon Y22 Mystery Capsule ~2-3
(Values from ~Valisar)
If there is an 88 next to an item - that item is pending a trade.

Last Updated: July 2022

Happy Trading!

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2:1 Cap Sale

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3:1 Cap Sale

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Highlights - UFT

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Items UFT on Side Accounts

These items are on side accounts. I will most likely need a GBC included in a trade. Numbers indicated quantity.

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This list is empty.

Items supersara247 wants

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Ice Draik

Items I'd like for a future Ice Draik

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Low Priority Wishes

If 21 is next to an item, I would like to try to find this item in a 2:1 Sale
If you see an 88 next to an item it means a trade for the item is pending.

This list is empty.