silversteven's items

Neomail blackbelt_tkd blackbelt_tkd's lookup

Items silversteven owns

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Hello! I’m James. I love trading, so feel free to NM me if you want something! I do try to answer all Neomails, but I am also forgetful. Please follow-up if it’s been more than 24 hours and I haven’t responded.

I recently came back from a long hiatus, so apologies if you messaged me and never got a response; I will try to remember to update this section if I go inactive.

I casually collect pretty gift boxes! You can see my small collection of gift boxes in my gallery. If you have a GBC that I don’t have a special gift box from, I’ll probably want to trade for it!

I also have some GBCs up for trade.

Available GBCs UFT:
1x Misty Mountains Gift Box Mystery Capsule
1x Cyber Circuit Gift Box Mystery Capsule
1x Disco Fever Gift Box Mystery Capsule
1x Mermaid Dreams Gift Box Mystery Capsule
1x Glitz & Glam Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Friendly Feepit Gift Box Mystery Capsule (buyable)

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UFT Tier 1: Separation Anxiety

UFT Tier 2: My Hoard of Pretty Things

I like these items quite a bit, but I'm not putting them to good use and might be happier trading them for something I actually want. Feel free to offer any wishes for these!

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UFT Tier 3: My Nice Items

These are items I would prefer to trade for wishes, but might be willing to let go for RR Caps/GBCs/FQFC/LRFC.

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UFT Tier 4: The Consequences of My NC Addiction

These items are anything goes! Very little (if any) attachment to these items, so they're UFT for wishes, GBCs, fortune cookies, and really anything else that might pique my interest. Will do 2:1 trades for any valued ~1-2 on OWLS.

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Items silversteven wants

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1. Dream Wishlist

My wishlist of very high-value items. Feel free to send me your wishes for these, as I may have them in my private closet!

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2. High-Priority Wishlist

3. Medium-Priority Wishlist

I would like these items for customs, but they aren’t urgent.

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5. Seeking for Friends

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NC Collectibles Wishlist

I am (belatedly) seeking to fill out my NC Collectors Album! This list is all the items I currently need. There is no particularly ranking - number indicates that I would like multiples of an item.

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