olepia's items

Neomail olepia olepia's lookup

Items olepia owns

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Hello! Please feel free to NM me at Olepia if you see something you like, always looking for caps and item trades (even if it's not on my WL, I'm happy to look through yours!)!

NOTE: Numbers are quantities not values :)

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02. Regular

Non Wearables UFT:

1x RG Aisha Token 1x Plot Points Cookie 1x Infinite Sands of Time NC Fortune Cookie 1x Money Tree Cupcake 2x. Neopets 25th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag

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97. Open Closet (HTPW)

Not necessarily better but pretty things and things in closet rotation, might be a bit picky!

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Items olepia wants

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0.6 Low Priority / Filler

Pretty items I'm not really looking for but might be interested in as filler? Sorry in advance if I turn down fair offers!

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