silverstorm300's items

Neomail silverstorm300 silverstorm300's lookup

Items silverstorm300 owns

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1 Intro

Hi, I’m Emma/Cougar! I’m on neo every day, but haven’t had much energy/time to trade recently... I am in the process of updating my outdated tradelist, so most is hidden. I mainly look at peoples’ wishlists if I’m seeking something. But don’t be afraid to ask about a trade! My Lower and Lowest Priority WLs are also hidden, but I have a MASSIVE amount of hidden wishes if you see something you want on my list but don’t see any wishes of mine you have. Please don’t be offended if I don’t respond to your neomail! Sometimes I either don’t see them, my neomail is being glitchy, or I don’t have the social energy to decline a trade. I’m really sorry, and feel free to neomail again if the trade is really important to you!

Also, I only have 2 BF GBC and no Dyepots/Cookies (I’m always seeking those things lol), so I will not be offering GBC on any of my wishlist items unless they are High/Highest Priority OR I see several of my wishes in a 4:1 or 3:1 GBC sale! Please don’t ask me for GBC, you’ll just be disappointed and I will be stressed having to respond haha

The lists I am trading for GBC, custom, and lower priority wishes are JUST the ones labeled “UFT value amount”. My rotating closets are just for some specific highest priorities. I am mainly seeking custom, GBC, and high/highest priority wishes right now!

If I don’t respond to your neomail, feel free to send another. My neomail sometimes glitches. Either that or I was too busy to respond when I first saw it, then forgot... either way, feel free to reach out again and I will be very apologetic! ^^’

I will neomail either from my main silverstorm300, or my most active side 31cougartail (I have the most pets on that side, so I tend to send items from trades to that one a lot).

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Discounted 1 Cap!

Sometimes I’ll discount items I value more than 1 cap and trade them for a 1 cap value, usually for custom.

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HTPW: Commonly Used/Things I like NC

SOME items on this list NOT uft for GBC, but feel free to ask! Just don’t be offended if I turn down a fair offer please :) This is where items go if they frequently rotate in/out of my closet, or I just really like the look of them. Not because of value necessarily. These may be up for trade if you really want them. But I like 'em a lot, either because I use them on my pets or just because they are special to me. Items with 99 are less likely to be UFT (unless for my HighEST priority wishes or some of my High Priority wishes) because I’m attached to them or use them a lot OR I’m saving them to trade towards a HighEST wish! 999 = only for HIGHEST Priority of high value. :)

Numbers are quantity and value (value first, followed by a 0, then quantity). For example, if I valued an item at 1 GBC, and had 3 of it, it would be 103. If it is a range like 1-2 on Owls, I'll go with my personal value so 1-2 isn't confused with 12, for instance. But I may be flexible on values, so just ask!

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Just kinda here NP items

Mail if you wanna buy/trade for these. All NP items.

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Lending 2:1!

These items are NOT UFT unless you see them in another list.

Lending Dyeworks items! Will lend 2 for 1 GBC or some wishes, or 1:1 for the following: Dyepots or Small wishes (especially in the mall currently), Dyeworks spares (any color Playful Tousled Wig, Winter Faerie Wings, Baby Galaxy Markings, or Holiday Lights Contacts)!

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Regular UFT

This is stuff in my Closet that is UFT! HAVE NOT SORTED YET, just sorted my inventory stuff (these are in my closet). I’ll sort it later with my inventory stuff, but I’m mostly focused on clearing out my inventory right now. Still, if you see something you like feel free to ask about trading!

All items in this section except those marked 99 are UFT for GBC, RR Caps, or custom Items marked 9 are slightly harder to part with and valued at the higher end of the range (i.e. if the value is 1-2, I’d accept 2 GBC for it).

Any of these items are up for trade, especially for things on my wishlist.

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Side 3 (animalgirlzrti)

Most items on this account aren’t listed because they are permanent parts of customs, but I’ve got a couple things I’d trade here. The more 9s, the harder to trade.

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Side 4 (31cougartail) UFT

Most items on this account aren’t listed because they are permanent parts of customs, but I’ve got a couple things I’d trade here. The more 9s, the harder to trade.

I currently have no boxes on this account, so at least one GBC would have to be part of a trade!

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Side Account 2 (wolvesrock7051131) UFT

I have NO gift boxes on this account! Some of these items might be NP instead of NC, but I don't want to make separate list for so few items! Sorry =/

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UFT 1 or 1-2 Cap Value

I value these items at 1 Cap or 1-2. I’ll trade them for a GBC, custom, or a wish also valued 1-2 GBC. I could also trade them for two wishes I value at 2:1, or trade multiple of these items for higher valued wishes.

I usually value Dyeworks at 2 GBC, but could trade them for 1 value item if it’s one I like.

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UFT 2 Cap value

I value these items at 2 caps. I’ll trade them for 2 GBC, custom, or a wish also valued 2 GBC (or a High Priority 1-2 value wish). I could also trade them for a couple lower value wishes or trade multiple of these items for higher valued wishes.

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UFT 2:1!!

These items are always 2:1 GBC, Cap from mall, Shenanigifts Invite, or small wish OR 1:1 Dye pot, FQC, or Lab Ray Cookie.

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UFT 3 Cap Value

I value these items at 3 caps. I’ll trade them for 3 GBC, custom, or a wish also valued 3 GBC. I could also trade them for multiple lower value wishes or trade multiple of these items for higher valued wishes.

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UFT 3-5 Cap Value

I value these items at 3-5 caps. I’ll trade them for 5 GBC, custom, or a wish also valued 3-5 GBC. I could also trade them for multiple lower value wishes or trade multiple of these items for higher valued wishes. If it is numbered with 9s I’m more likely to ONLY trade it for a High Priority or HighEST priority wish, or to include it in a trade for a higher valued wish, but you can always ask about trading. Just don’t be offended if I say no to a fair deal, I’m attached to these items.

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UFT 4-6 Value

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UFT 7-10 Cap Value

I value these items at 7-10 caps. I’ll trade them for 10 GBC, custom, or a wish also valued 7-10 GBC. I could also trade them for multiple lower value wishes or trade multiple of these items for higher valued wishes. If it is numbered with 9s I’m more likely to ONLY trade it for a High Priority or HighEST priority wish, or to include it in a trade for a higher valued wish, but you can always ask about trading. Just don’t be offended if I say no to a fair deal, I’m attached to these items.

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Items silverstorm300 wants

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For Faewl the Spotted Vandagyre

Items I want for the Spotted Vanda I want to get! Numbers are values (21 is 2:1)

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For Friends!

For Galintyne

The last items I want for my lovely little Valentine Draik!

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For Valdiena

Items I want for my 1st Stealthy Lupe. Numbers are values. Backgrounds are very casual wishes and probably not seeking at the moment.

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For Vindisca

For Stealthy Lupe 2/2. Numbers are values.

Only casually seeking the wig, since I have one of them. Also not really seeking the Black Leather Pants at this time, just a reminder to myself.

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High Priority

Almost always seeking any RR caps too!**

These are some items I would love to customize my pets with soon!

*Note: In this section and all sections, numbers refer to quantity EXCEPT 9s (more 9s =wanted more or harder to part with), 88 (for future pet but seeking now), or 21 (2:1 or seeking in 2:1 sale)!!**

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HighEST priority (really want immediately!)

There are a few items I really would like now or I would really like and are hard to find (usually both lol).

Most wanted: Crimeon Grove BG and DW: White Flaming Sword EDIT: GOT THEM!! :D

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Malt Tribute

For a tribute pet for my sweet “foster fail” kitten! Also goals: Skunk Paint Brush Valentine Petpet PB

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Medium Priority

Just things that are medium priority. I really do want these, but am not dying for them. You could also probably add most items that are a Petpet to this list (like the Angelpuss Trinket, for instance) but I haven’t gone through and added all the ones I like (several of my Neopets’ characters revolve around Petpet rescue, so their customizations reflect this).

Some are items of lower value that I would love to find in a 2:1 (Elegant Feathered Gloves for ex) but that I still need for customs.

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New Custom/DW Wishes!

Range from Low to High Priority!

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Dress to Impress
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