trinitybreach's items

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Items trinitybreach owns

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NST+15/16 (GMT+8) timezone.
Accepting BF/GBCs, customs and WL items. Always seeking D/SSS!

All items are UFT but a few may be slightly HTPW so I apologise in advance if I turn down a fair offer (it's me, not you).
I follow /~Owls and DTI ratios but I always respect personal values.
Jan update: Desperately seeking BF/GBCs!
I haven't been keeping up with my box numbers but they're dangerously low.

Also gonna be rearranging WL by account if I have the time.

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Faerie: Xweetok, Kacheek, Draik
Grey: Vandagyre
Royal: RB Gelert
Tyrannian: Acara
Jelly: Kacheek
(Ghost: Usul, Korbat)

Baby: Buzz (TL only)
Celebration: Kacheek, Acara
Christmas: Acara, Festive Zafara & Shoyru
Prismatic: Tinsel Shoyru, any Xmas Acara
SSS, (Prismatic Brushes)

Also offering and seeking TL/WL items for any of these tokens!

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Boxes: 0
9 means it's a teeny bit HTPW but still most definitely UFT. Other numbers indicate quantity.

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Items trinitybreach wants

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Priority Wishlist - Lower

Actively seeking!

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Some Other Day

Just admiring them for now. May or may not have a use for them. Might decline fair offers if I don't see myself using them for the moment.

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Wishlist for NP items
The items listed here are mainly for me to track and buy the newest NP items when I'm less lazy. I have the means to buy 5-7 figure items so there's no need to gift them to me. I just need to battle procrastination.

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