ayakae's items

Neomail ayakae ayakae's lookup

Items ayakae owns

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ayy wassup my dude

yes hi welcome to my (pathetic) tradelist which i keep in the off-chance someone might actually want them lol

always open to gbc trades so hmu if you want something i have. my inbox is always open, feel free to mail me! c:

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here's my marvelous tl that's actually just mostly junk... unless???

!! this tl is very outdated, you can mail me to check if i have these items but prepare for disappointment lol !!

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Items ayakae wants

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actively looking for these

if you see me on the ncc i'm probably looking for them

first number refers to account where item/s should be sent
an extra 21 tacked to the end means i'm hoping to get it 2:1 or item:item
all other numbers after are values from /~Waka or /~Owls or Ratbot

e.g. cherry blossom garland (24550), fun flower staff (521)

2- ayakae | 3 - ayacado | 4 - ayalpaca | 5 - ayapricot | 6 - ayazalea | 7 - pending

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items i will need in the future but aren't top priority rn

feel free to offer if you have any items here though, i might bite if tempted!

first number refers to account where item/s should be sent
an extra 21 tacked to the end means i'm hoping to get it 2:1 or item:item
all other numbers after are values from /~Waka or /~Owls or Ratbot

e.g. cherry blossom garland (24550), fun flower staff (521)

2- ayakae | 3 - ayacado | 4 - ayalpaca | 5 - ayapricot | 6 - ayazalea | 7 - pending

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just for my reference lol

this is my little notepad of sorts, not really stuff i'm looking to trade for

2 are things i definitely want but are definitely out of my budget so never mind zzz
3 are things i really like but aren't the right color (also known as the dyeworks poll section)
4?? do i really need these?? or do i just like the idea of having it?? idk u decide bc i can't

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pretty pink things i want for my gallery

not seeking these unless i'm specifically saying so on the boards!!
not seeking these unless i'm specifically saying so on the boards!!

(please stop asking me sob)

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