freedomflighter's items

Neomail freedomflighter freedomflighter's lookup

Items freedomflighter owns

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A: About my lists

If you have higher prio items I want but don't see anything you want, please NM me your WL! Willing to offer from my hidden list for some things

HTPW is currently: HIDDEN

Closet is currently: VISIBLE

Feel free to NM offers

Tokens I am Seeking:

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My current closet items.

These are sometimes used for customs, but I don't think anything here is HTPW (forgive me, an item or two might be in the wrong list)

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The grounds which go in the back

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Garlands, Frames and Foregrounds

Things that dangle, things that obscure. Also some things that just kind of sit off to the side being awkies.

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Hats and Those Type Things

Things which can be worn upon the head. Which are not wigs.

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Zx: Reserved

These items have been reserved for a trade, if they become available / trade falls through, they will be moved off this list.

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zz: 2:1 sale

These items are:

3:1 for BFGBC 2:1 for GBC/archive cookie


1:1 for dyepot/FQC *

(999 means in the midst of a possible trade / unavail)

*Provided I have spare boxes

This list is empty.

Items freedomflighter wants

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A: NC Seeking

Feel free to offer items that seem lower priority, chaos mode is me

Seeking these customs:

GBCs / BFGBCS always lol

('Not in a list' list is me seeking spares - too lazy to make another list lol - low prio)

Some items I am hoping to find in 2:1 sales and won't be offering highly for them :)

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C: NC Seeking - Medium Prio

Kind of seeking these, but don't have the pets/colors yet so not highest prio

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D: NC Seeking - Med / Low Prio

F: NC Seeking - I Don't Know

These are things I find and like when making customs lol. Super low priority, will probably move them up the lists if I decide to actively seek them.

(Set to public instead of trading so I don't mess up the ratios)

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zz: NC Seeking for gallery


Hoping to find a lot of these in 2:1 lists.

This is still super casual as I want to finish the NP section first and still have a WAY to go. Please let me know if you know of other NC items that belong in a desert gallery!

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(Not in a list)